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Huis Marseille Museum

Updated: Apr 6, 2020

Arja Hop and Peter Svenson

Florachromes: a story of four rivers

This exhibition by Arja Hop and Peter Svenson experiment with they way photography is produced. They research into how plants react to their environments and through this they take a look at the current environmental issues society has created.

They have created work in an interesting way through combining photography, alchemy and ecology, they create a beautiful photographic project using the pigments from plants. They extract the pigment and apply it to anaolge film and through this show how a plants. Colour is greatly influenced by their living conditions.

The aspect that interested me the most in the exhibition is the was that Hops and Svenson displayed their work. They created new and interesting ways to show their concept. One pieces intrigued me the most. They used cameras and old televisions to display the museum garden live, pushing the limits what photography means.

Another interesting way they had displayed their work was how one room in the gallery was made in to a kind of dark room. In this there were black and white protographs printed in negative. This method of displaying there work represented how they experimented with a wide range of analog printing processes while at the same time intrigued the viewers.

This exhibition displayed many different ways of displaying work and even tho my project is portrait based this held a lot of inspiration for my upcoming exhibition.

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